Commemorate the First Anniversary of the Demise of the Luzon Building in Tacoma – September 26, 2010

Luzon Building in 2004 / Photo: Artifacts Consulting, Inc.

Hard to believe that it has been a year (September 26) since the Luzon Building in Tacoma was demolished. Built in 1891 and designed by the prominent Chicago firm, Burnham & Root, the Luzon Building (13th and Pacific in downtown Tacoma) had deteriorated over the span of decades under different owners. At one point, the vacant building had a tree growing out of a window. A tree! Despite its condition, there were many opportunities for rehabilitation. Tacoma preservationists and developers tried to make the project work but it met its unfortunate end after a long struggle to survive.

Site of the Luzon Building at 13th and Pacific, downtown Tacoma / Photo: Jennifer Mortensen

Historic Tacoma invites you to an event on Sunday, September 26th, from 7 to 9 pm at the site (1302 Pacific Ave) to commemorate the first anniversary of the Luzon’s demise. Come dressed as your favorite historic Tacoma building, past or present, and join the parade at the site of the Luzon Building.  Bring a flashlight for lighting effects and to spotlight the speakers: Sharon Winters, Historic Tacoma and Jennifer Mortensen, WA Trust for Historic Preservation.  Sharon will describe where the City’s at with addressing at-risk historic buildings and Jennifer will share her insights on the Luzon story and what we might learn from it. Enjoy some cake and good company as thanks for making Tacoma a more livable city.  Sponsored by a group of Tacoma artists & Historic Tacoma.