Our members meetings offer the opportunity to learn about programs and projects of interest taking place in our community and through the auspices of Historic Seattle. These events are held at sites of historic or architectural interest, and a short quarterly business meeting precedes the program.
We are welcomed to the lovely surroundings of the prestigious Rainier Club to enjoy the warmth and hospitality that has been a fixture there since 1904. A rare example of Jacobean-revival style in Seattle, the distinguished façade was inspired by Aston Hall, a 17th- century stately home in Warwickshire, England. The multi-gabled façade designed by the prominent Spokane firm of Cutter & Malmgren was capably expanded by Seattle’s leading firm of Bebb & Gould in 1929. Interiors reflect these two building periods, from the English traditional appearance of the oldest rooms to the late 1920s lobby lighting fixtures, brass railings, and elevator doors mirroring up-to-date French decorative arts that came to be referred to as Art Deco. Michael Troyer, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, will discuss the club’s history, and he and staff will lead us on a top to bottom tour. Meet in the Rainier Room.
Photo: Rainier Club / Credit: Mary Randlett