What does it mean to advocate for historic preservation?
Advocacy starts with tracking the plans and policies of local, state, and national actors and how their actions affect historic preservation. Attending and speaking at meetings of the local preservation commission is advocacy, as is donating – because “strength in numbers” is not just a cliché. Your participation is a powerful voice with policy makers, developers, and others who make decisions about the community’s historic environment.
How does Historic Seattle advocate for historic preservation?
Historic Seattle offers excellent preservation services by developing and implementing preservation policies and initiatives, providing technical assistance for constituents, helping develop programs, engaging in community outreach, and coordinating advocacy with grass-roots groups, individuals, and local government.
To join Historic Seattle’s advocacy program or for more information on preservation in your neighborhood, contact Director of Preservation Services Eugenia Woo at (206) 622-5444 x 245 or [email protected].
Photo: This Place Matters – Fir Lodge/Alki Homestead, West Seattle, July 4, 2010 / Image courtesy of Jean Sherrard
Preservation Planning and Public Policy
The results of historic preservation are most apparent in those buildings that have been rehabilitated and returned to their former glory; however, the advocacy work that happens behind the scenes is just as instrumental as a restored facade. Photo: Historic Seattle
Landmarks and Historic Registers
Resources at the national, state, county and local level provide frameworks to evaluate and officially designate places as historic. Photo: Marissa Natkin