Jean Sherrard & Paul Dorpat: The History of First Hill

First Hill sketch by Earl Layman from the First Hill Neighborhood Inventory, 1976, Historic Seattle

Sketch of First Hill by Earl Layman, First Hill Neighborhood Inventory (1976),     Historic Seattle

Town Hall presents photographer Jean Sherrard and historian Paul Dorpat as part of its Civic series on Tuesday, June 25, 2013; 7:30 to 9:00 pm. Dorpat writes the “Now and Then” column for The Seattle Times and Sherrard photographs the “now” views. They will share images and stories of First Hill.

Tickets are $5 at or 888/377-4510 and at the door beginning at 6:30 pm. Town Hall members receive priority seating. Downstairs at Town Hall, 1119 Eighth Avenue; enter on Seneca Street.