Milepost 31 Grand Opening December 1 – You’re Invited!

WSDOT is opening a new public information center on December 1, 2011 in Pioneer Square. Join WSDOT, the Pioneer Square community and others at the grand opening of Milepost 31. If you’re not able to attend the grand opening, be sure to stop by Milepost 31 during its regular hours (after Dec 1, Tuesdays through Saturdays, 11 am to 5 pm).

Here’s a message from WSDOT about Milepost 31:

Milepost 31 – People, projects and Pioneer Square

We would invite you inside for a ride, but even the world’s largest
diameter tunnel boring machine can only fit so many people. And so WSDOT offers the next best thing, Milepost 31, a public
information center that will highlight the Alaskan Way Viaduct
replacement, tunneling technology and the history of Seattle’s Pioneer
Square neighborhood. This is a first for WSDOT, an opportunity to
explore interactive exhibits about one of our projects and dig into
Seattle’s first neighborhood.

What does viaduct replacement have to do with Pioneer Square? Replacing
a highway that runs through one of the state’s most treasured historic
neighborhoods comes with challenges. Pioneer Square will see years of
construction impacts like noise, dust and traffic detours. Fortunately,
after we put the highway traffic into the SR 99 tunnel and tear down the
remaining section of the viaduct, the neighborhood will be reconnected
with the Seattle waterfront.

Milepost 31 was one of several strategies WSDOT developed in partnership
with neighborhood groups and historic preservationists to maintain
Pioneer Square’s vibrancy during construction. It is designed to give
people another reason to visit the neighborhood during construction,
while giving the public another opportunity to learn about the important
work we do at WSDOT.

Be sure to stop by Milepost 31’s grand opening celebration on Dec. 1.
We’ll have tunneling and historical experts on hand to answer questions,
as well as a drawing to win an iPad and gift certificates to Pioneer
Square businesses, furnished by the Alliance for Pioneer Square.

Milepost 31 grand opening

3 – 6 p.m. (guest speakers at 3:30 p.m.)
Thursday, Dec. 1, 2011
211 First Ave. S., Seattle
After Dec. 1, Milepost 31 will be open Tuesdays through Saturdays from
11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is free.