SHPO Awards – May 3, 2011

A restored Yeomalt Cabin, Bainbridge Island / Photo: Bainbridge Island Metro Park and Recreation District
On Tuesday, May 3, 2011, the State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation honors eleven award recipients for outstanding achievements in historic preservation. The award ceremony (open to the public) takes place at 2 pm in the historic Legislative Building on the Capitol Campus in Olympia. For details check out DAHP’s website.
The award categories and recipients are:
Outstanding Achievement of a Washington State Historic Barn – D & B Barn, David and Becky Buri, Colfax
Special Achievement – Bob Krier and Bob George (Olympia) for surveying over 1,000 bridges statewide; and Harrison Goodall (Langley) for documenting historic structures at Ebey’s Landing National Historic Preserve
Outstanding Achievement in Preservation Education – Kevin Palo (Ilwaco), preservation advocate and instructor of rare craft in the preservation trades
Outstanding Achievement in Media – “Modern Views” film by Studio 216 and UW Department of Architecture
Career Achievement (two recipients) – Ron Murphy, AIA, SMR Architects (Seattle) and Paul Gleeson, archaeologist (Port Angeles)
Preservation Stewardship (two recipients) – Bainbridge Island Historical Society for its multi-year effort to preserve the 1935 WPA-built Boy Scout Lodge called Yeomalt Cabin; and the Department of Corrections for the preservation of the Washington State Penitentiary Cemetery in Walla Walla
Outstanding Achievement in Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings and Structures (two recipients) – Sand Point Seaplane Hangar #2 rehabilitation by Arena Sports (Seattle) ; and Morton Train Depot restoration by the Cowlitz River Valley Historical Society (Morton)