Watch “The Greenest Building” Film
Don’t miss this showing of a new film about conservation and the rehabilitation of old buildings and why it’s the “green” thing to do. Check out “The Greenest Building” website for more info.
Airs this Sunday, April 24, at 2:00 pm on KCTS 9.
From the film’s website, “Over the next 20 years, one third of our nation’s existing building stock (over 82 billion square feet) will be demolished in order to replace seemingly inefficient buildings with energy efficient ‘green’ buildings. Is demolition on this scale really the best use of natural, social, and economic resources? Or, like urban renewal programs of the 1960’s, is it part of a well-intentioned planning strategy with devastating environmental and cultural consequences? ‘The Greenest Building’ provides a compelling argument for conservation, rehabilitation and adaptive reuse of our existing building stock as the single most effective strategy for reducing, reusing and recycling one of our most important consumer products – our buildings.”