Preservation News & Events – October 2013

Meeker Mansion, Puyallup; Washington Preserves Fund recipient, 2013 / Photos: Washington Trust for Historic Preservation and Ezra Meeker Historical Society
Fall is a busy time of year for historic preservation. Here are some news and events of note:
Battelle Memorial Institute Site Nominated: This 18-acre modernist masterpiece in Seattle’s Laurelhurst neighborhood was built in the late 1960s-1970. The property was unanimously nominated by the Seattle Landmarks Preservation Board at its September 18 meeting. MAin2 wrote about the Rich Haag and NBBJ-designed campus here. The designation hearing is scheduled for November 6, 2013. The Seattle Times wrote an article about the property and landmark efforts by the Friends of Battelle/Talaris.
Valerie Sivinski Washington Preserves Fund: The Washington Trust for Historic Preservation is seeking applications for this grant fund which provides up to $2,000 to organizations involved in preservation throughout the state. Deadline to apply is October 16, 2013. For more information, go to the Trust’s website.
Women’s University Club Celebrates 100th Anniversary: Explore the organization’s first century through its new, 112-page, coffee-table book, The First 100 Years: Women’s University Club of Seattle, 1914-2014. Available to the general public for under $40 at several area bookstores. Call the club for details: 206-623-0402. For other information about the club, see
Tour a Mid-century Modern Gem: Join Docomomo WEWA as it celebrates Tour Day 2013 along with other Docomomo US chapters and partners throughout the country. Tour the Whittaker Residence, Saturday, October 5, 2013. The mid-century modern residence in Seattle’s Lakewood neighborhood (near Seward Park) was designed by Seattle architect Arnold Gangnes and built in 1956. For event details, go to Docomomo WEWA’s website.
Conversations Re: Tacoma Lecture Series: Join Historic Tacoma and other local partners for two upcoming lectures on the livable community. Go to Historic Tacoma’s website for event details.
Wanted: Housing Thursday / Oct. 10, 6:30-8pm
Attracting Development of Downtown Housing and the Creation of Urban Neighborhoods
Concept: the economics of new construction vs. reusing building stock and large vs. small.
Getting the Vibe / Thursday Nov. 21, 6:30-8pm
The Social and Cultural Role of a Vibrant, Livable Community
Concept: The arts have a major influence on the livelihood of a community and Tacoma has a lot to offer in the area of the arts. Is the pulse of vibrancy reaching the entire community? Discuss with us what’s happening now and what we want to see happen in the future.
Architectural Heritage Center Lectures and Tours in Portland: Our friends at the AHC are offering a great slate of lectures and tours this fall. Check out their website for details.
Restore Oregon: The Historic Preservation League of Oregon recently changed its name to “Restore Oregon.” We dig the new name! On November 6, 2013, Restore Oregon will hold its first annual DeMuro Awards honoring extraordinary work in preservation throughout Oregon.
Conferences: The annual conference for the Society of Architectural Historians, Marion Dean Ross / Pacific Northwest Chapter is in Salem, OR this year. It’ll take place October 18-20. The focus will be the Willamette River Valley Settlers and Founders. Register by October 4 to avoid a late fee. More details can be found on the chapter website.
The 2013 National Preservation Conference, “Preservation at the Crossroads,” takes place in Indianapolis October 29-November 2, 2013. Register by October 15.