image description
Admiral’s House

Admiral’s House

2001 West Garfield Street, Seattle, WA, USA
Date Built:
Original Architect /
Roger J. Gotteland (architect) / Austin Company (builder)
Original Owners:
United States Navy

Historic Seattle’s Role:

Historic Seattle holds a preservation easement protecting the exterior of the house and portions of the site.

About the Admiral’s House:

Situated on a bluff overlooking Elliott Bay and downtown Seattle, the Admiral’s House represents the significant role Seattle played in World War II naval history. Between 1944 and 2006, the residence was home to the commanding admiral for the Pacific Northwest and was the site for official entertaining – hosting as many as 1,000 dignitaries each year. As part of the process of conveyance (selling the property) in 2010, the Navy was required to submit a landmark nomination and protect the historic property with a preservation easement. Today, the property is a City of Seattle designated landmark (2010) and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places (2013).

Current and Future Uses:

The Admiral’s House currently serves as the headquarters for Global Seas, a maritime management company, and is also an event venue for weddings and other functions.
