

Whether you are searching for a craftsperson or professional with expertise in historic preservation, researching the history of your neighborhood, or seeking information about preservation issues in Seattle, Historic Seattle offers resources to support your efforts.

Information on technical assistance offered by Historic Seattle may also be found in the Advocacy section of our site.

Incentives for Historic Preservation

Tax incentives, grants, and other forms of assistance available for restoration or adaptive reuse.

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Best Practices in Preservation

Guidance on sustainability, economic benefits of historic preservation, preservation briefs, standards, window preservation, and building history research.

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Preservation Professionals Directory

This directory of our business members includes contractors, consultants, designers, builders, and vendors who have experience with renovation, restoration, maintenance, and landscape projects.

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Neighborhood Inventories

These inventories, completed in 1976, provide an overview of Seattle neighborhoods. Each inventory includes photographs and brief descriptions of common building types, significant buildings, and urban design elements, each keyed to the map. Inventories also include a general description of the neighborhood and concise history. Although they are only current through the mid 1970s, these inventories provide many details not found on any other city map.

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First Hill Book

Historic Seattle’s 40th anniversary publication, Tradition and Change on Seattle’s First Hill: Propriety, Profanity, Pills, and Preservation.

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Patricia Fleck MacKay Library

Historic Seattle’s Patricia Fleck MacKay Library at the Dearborn House is a non-circulating research and reading library dedicated to historic preservation.

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Preservation News

Preservation News is Historic Seattle’s newsletter. Current and back issues of the newsletter are available to download as PDFs.

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