Tradition and Change on Seattle’s First Hill

Tradition and Change on Seattle’s First Hill

In celebration of our 40th Anniversary in 2014, Historic Seattle released Tradition and Change on Seattle’s First Hill: Propriety, Profanity, Pills, and Preservation.

Historic Seattle’s 40th Anniversary Publication

Tradition and Change on Seattle's First Hill

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Tradition and Change on Seattle’s First Hill: Propriety, Profanity, Pills, and Preservation (Documentary Media, 2014) reveals First Hill’s origins, how and why it changed, and the potential that exists for future development that respects the neighborhood’s surviving historic buildings.

As editor of this volume, Lawrence Kreisman (Historic Seattle’s former Program Director) tapped the knowledge and talents of contributors Paul Dorpat, Jacqueline Williams, Dotty DeCoster, Dennis Alan Andersen, Luci J. Baker Johnson, and Brooke Best.

Each chapter explores a different historical, cultural, or social dimension of First Hill, providing a starting point for urban understanding and exploration. We hope the book will encourage longtime and newly settled residents, workers, shoppers, concert and lecture attendees, and visitors to think about what makes First Hill special and worthy of preservation.

Ordering Information

Copies of Tradition and Change on Seattle’s First Hill are available for $35 (including tax, shipping, and handling). Order online via our secure shopping cart, or by phone by calling 206-622-6952 ext. 221. (Please note that online orders will be shipped to the address you specify. Please allow 6-10 business days for delivery. If you would like to place an order for pick-up, please call.)

Buying the book from Historic Seattle directly supports our educational programming and advocacy on behalf of historic places.

ISBN: 978-1-933245-38-6, softcover, 208 pages with 220 images