

Historic Seattle believes that historic places provide an essential link to the past, reminding us of who we are and where we came from.

Since 1973, Historic Seattle has been dedicated to preserving Seattle and King County’s architectural legacy.

Our Mission

Saving meaningful places to foster lively communities

Our Programs

We pursue our mission through education, advocacy, and preservation. Our education programs raise awareness of Seattle’s architectural heritage among the public, while we advocate for preservation to policy makers and citizens alike. Historic Seattle is also in the business of acquiring and rehabilitating historic properties through our status as a preservation development authority (founded in 1973). We are also a 501(c)(3) charitable foundation (founded in 1996).


Historic Seattle produces a broad range of events including design lectures, tours of historic sites, and annual programs that educate the public about preserving historic buildings. We celebrate local preservation successes through our annual benefit, the Preservation Celebration. We communicate with constituents and the public through our website, email list, annual program brochure, newsletter, blog, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.


Through preservation advocacy, Historic Seattle works closely with individuals and community groups to advocate for the preservation of historic places. We assist with advocacy efforts by providing technical assistance and teaching tools for advocacy. We are visible proponents of preservation advocacy in Seattle working with policy makers who regularly seek our advice and expertise regarding a wide range of preservation issues that affect the city and county.


We provide quality stewardship of the 11 properties we own: Phillips House, Victorian Row Apartments, Egan House, Good Shepherd Center, Dearborn House, Cadillac Hotel, the Mutual Life Building, Belmont-Boylston Houses, Washington Hall, Garden House, and Good Arts Building.

Our Services

Real Estate Development

Historic Seattle is a leader in the active and creative development and preservation of historic properties throughout the region. The needs of a project and the degree to which a historic property is threatened often dictates the role and level of engagement. Historic Seattle’s staff are often retained on a fee-for-service basis to provide a wide variety of technical expertise including but not limited to the creation of project sources and uses, pro forma development, market analysis, construction budgeting, project and construction management, and leasing assistance. Through these and a wide variety of other services provided, Historic Seattle is a uniquely positioned leader in the thoughtful, creative, and economically viable preservation of historic buildings.

Historic Resources Consulting

Historic Seattle provides occasional historic resource consulting on a fee-for-service basis to private property owners and developers who seek expertise on the federal historic tax credit process and application, landmark nomination preparation, historic property research, and building history reports.

Land Acknowledgement

Historic Seattle knows that our properties and programs occupy the unceded traditional Territories of the Coast Salish peoples. This acknowledgment is not a substitute for developing relationships with indigenous communities, or for honoring indigenous stories as we share our collective history, but is the first step in recognizing the people whose land we occupy.