A Reader’s Theater Approach | Lorraine McConaghy
We are moving through the centennial of the Great War, World War I. In metropolitan Seattle, we can follow the narrative arc of that war from 1914-1924, from Prohibition, to women’s rights, labor history and the General Strike, persecution of “hyphenated Americans,” actual entry into the war and the local toll of war casualties, the great influenza epidemic, Wilson’s national program for the League of Nations, and the advent of the Roaring Twenties. We can also revisit the impact of the war upon the physical city. Historian Lorraine McConaghy introduces some of the big ideas and then invites the audience to explore some of the themes as participatory readers of primary materials that paint a vivid picture of life in Seattle for those headed to war and for those here at home. Join us for this unique experience!
Lorraine McConaghy is a public historian and author who has devoted her professional life to researching and teaching Pacific Northwest history. At Seattle’s Museum of History & Industry (MOHAI), she curated a series of successful projects, including the museum’s core exhibit at the new MOHAI at South Lake Union. McConaghy teaches in the Museum Studies program at the University of Washington, and her work has been honored by the Washington Museum Association, the Oral History Association, the National Council on Public History and the American Association for State and Local History.
Photo: Red Cross drivers and ambulances on Western Avenue, Seattle, ca. 1916 / MOHAI Collection, SHS15757
Online registration is now closed, admission at the door is available for $20.