Hello Blogosphere!
Historic Seattle finally enters the blogging world through MAin2. The name draws inspiration from an old Seattle telephone exchange name—MAin. Telephone exchange names were used over fifty years ago when the all-numeric phone number we know today didn’t exist. Downtown phone numbers started with “MA.” Ballard was “SU” or SUnset; West Seattle was “WE” or WEst; and Capitol Hill was “EA” or EAst. Our telephone number is 622-6952, or MA2-6952. Hence, MAin2.
MAin2 strives to become the pulse on preservation in Seattle and around Puget Sound. Whether you’re a preservation professional, a grassroots activist, a history or architecture buff, or someone interested in creating livable and sustainable communities, here’s your chance to tell us about what’s important in your community. Submit your blog entry and we’ll consider posting it.
Welcome to MAin2!