Washington Trust Opportunities
The Washington Trust for Historic Preservation announces a job opening and opportunities to apply for grants.
Development and Events Coordinator
The Washington Trust is looking to hire a Development and Events Coordinator. Based in Seattle, the Development and Events Coordinator guides and manages the Trust’s membership, development, and special events. The position is 80% (32 hours per week). Deadline to apply is Wednesday, August 26, 2015. Learn more here.
Valerie Sivinski Washington Preserves Fund
Grant applications for the 2016 Valerie Sivinski Washington Preserves Fund are being accepted. The deadline for submitting applications is Wednesday, October 7, 2015.
Established in 1997, the program has awarded grants to 115 projects totaling over $108,000 in funding to local historic preservation organizations and advocates engaged in the important work of preserving Washington’s cultural heritage.
Learn more about the fund and how to apply on the Trust’s website.
Heritage Barns Grants
The Washington State Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation (DAHP) has announced that applications to request funding through the Heritage Barn Rehabilitation Grant Program are available. Part of the state’s Heritage Barn Preservation Initiative established in 2007, the grant program assists with rehabilitation projects designed to stabilize and preserve designated Heritage Barns across the state. Since the program’s inception, Heritage Barn Grant funding has provided assistance to 65 Heritage Barns throughout Washington.
The Washington Trust for Historic Preservation helps administer the grant program for DAHP. Learn more about the program through the Trust’s press release.
Grant applications are due on Wednesday, October 21, 2015, with grant awards slated to be announced in early 2016.
Photos: Poulsbo Boat Ellyn, 2015 Sivinski Grant recipient (source: Gig Harbor Boat Shop); Happy Home Barn, Douglas County, 2013-15 Heritage Barn Grant recipient (source: Washington Trust)