GiveBIG is May 5

Mark your calendar: the Seattle Foundation has announced that GiveBIG, an annual online day of charitable giving, will be Tuesday, May 5, 2015. All donations made through Historic Seattle’s page on the Seattle Foundation site between midnight and midnight on May 5 will be partially matched by GiveBIG sponsors.

Here are a few highlights of Historic Seattle’s work this year, which your gift will help support:

  • We are about to begin the rehabilitation of Washington Hall’s performance and event spaces. We’ll be making seismic upgrades, adding a sprinkler system, and restoring interior finishes. We’re also installing an elevator that will make the Main Hall fully accessible for the first time.
  • We’ve created an additional advocacy position on our staff, allowing us to expand our outreach efforts during a time of rapid growth and change.
  • We’ll continue to offer a wide range of educational events and programs to raise awareness of our region’s architectural heritage.

If you value our efforts to draw attention to endangered places, and you appreciate our work to save buildings that tell the story of our city, we hope you’ll make a donation to Historic Seattle through GiveBIG!