Registration closes at noon, Thursday, May 7, two days before the event. Tour instructions regarding driving, parking, and specific site details will be e-mailed to registered attendees. Please note that the library is not handicap accessible.
Digging Deeper is Historic Seattle’s multi-session program designed to provide attendees with behind-the-scenes insight to primary research materials in the many archives and libraries in Seattle and King County. Each month we visit a selected archive or library and receive expert advice as to what is available and how staff can assist with research projects. This program helps you to explore buildings, architecture, and history. By the time you are through, you will want to attend one or more of the events during National Archives Month in Seattle in October 2015.
On May 9, we’ll visit the Fiske Genealogical Library which is administered by the Fiske Genealogical Foundation, successor to the Fiske Genealogical Center, founded in 1971 by Arthur D. Fiske, a professional genealogist. The Foundation’s two major goals are to provide on-going education in genealogical research techniques and to build a library of genealogical materials not readily available, especially for those townships east of the Mississippi River.
The Library is located on the lower level of the Washington Pioneer Hall just south of Madison Park on the shore of Lake Washington.
Photo: Library interior / Source: Fiske Genealogical Library
$10 general public / $8 members / $5 students